So I woke a year older today. Besides an aching ear nothing seemed to have changed except that when I gazed at the mirror I realized I look more like my father as I grow older.

I spent the day pondering over my life and I came to realize that some things have changed. I share a few in the hope that they will help inspire some thought somewhere.

  • The energy purpose has changed.
  • In the past I used and expended my energy and passion in a way similar to that military maxim of shoot first and ask questions later. But with age I have learnt to assess my battles and only fight if it is the only option I am left with.
  • The dreams have blossomed
  • In the late nineties I believed that wherever my mind took me to my feet will get me there. I then discovered responsibilities, budgets, priorities and sobriety. Instead of somersaulting into the sky I learnt to build a ladder step by step and then ascend the steps.

Dreams inspired me to fly at thrice the speed of sound but age taught me to lay hay while it is day. Dreams had not limit, they crossed swollen bridges, scaled scary mountains and rode lions horse back style but age urged caution, safety, planning and vision.

The radical is gone

I woke up to a more considerate person. The temper has mellowed over years and I have discovered that where I used anger, road rage and ebullience the results are better with calm introspection and seeing beyond the moment.

The death of the radical has birthed the introspective elder who applies wisdom than militancy, who only brings out the guns to defend integrity and dignity.

Caution has replaced speed

Youth and dreams made me see life like a Formula One race, something to be run and won spectacularly, but age has taught me to focus on the prize like what the preacher Paul says:

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Age has brought spring cleaning and detoxes

Young age saw the collection of many things. Broken hearts, broken promises, missed steps, trippings and fallings etc and getting older has taught that the baggage is a drag in the walk and costs emotionally and physically.

Growing of age has made me only to speak when I really have to, to count my losses, cut my losses, know when to call it quits, when to hold on and who to walk with.

An increasing frailty

Where youth premised stud status my age now advocates serene and soft landings. Where I walked with a bump the legs now drag and ego makes it look like a swagger but it’s the tendons admitting a loss of their tension and stretch ability.

Where youth prized passionate fist thumping and long speeches my age now points to the Power Point and is conscious of those dozing in the audience.

Where youth pushed to be the first in the feeding trough my age now calmly allows the ladies and visitors ahead and am happy and satisfied to see everyone well catered for.

I now chew more carefully, the same way I now handle life, for fear of broken or cracked teeth. My relationship with the optician is getting stronger as I need more stronger lenses every two years and I wonder why I am constantly checking my pensionable date and why the internet is occasionally throwing me the funeral policy adverts more frequently than the young fellows !!

I woke up feeling grown….

To be continued

By Phindela's Muses

Phindela’s Muses is the pen name of Nqobile Ncube. After much prodding i reluctantly waded into transferring my thoughts to the electronic notebook. I write as I see. I write as I feel. I write as I hear. I prod the deepest vivid image I can conjure and if at least one person derives some good from it then I am a happy man.

22 thoughts on “Age old wisdom”
  1. We shall follow your steps Boss. You inspire and yu are destined to change lives. Your wisdom and God Fearing character, you are awesome

  2. Happy Birthday to my big brother and a father figure I should say. I have grown to understand that God has plans for us and only it’s knowledge and maturity that can unearth them. You have been there for me in ways that have amazed me .and am proud to say Thank you Bhudi thank you baba. And mostly you have mad a man out of my twin brother. God gave me family but you helped me define family. Love you too much.

  3. waaaoow, true, keep on and keeping on. May Lord the Lord continue to give you wisdom and climb to the top, inspired in lot of areas, wish more blessed years to come.

  4. You chose the right path to motivate and inspire the world. We cherish your fruitful presents amongst us. May the good Lord continue to enlighten, add fertilizer, water your life and makes you stronger just like a baobab tree with deep buttress roots. These roots go deep and pass through hard rocks to take water and nutrients underneath in order to magically produce fruits that feed & sustain lives. We feed from your wisdom.

    Let the Almighty pour more annual rings in your life with more wisdom and success.

  5. Thank you for allowing us to climb on the shoulders of the elders to be able to see that which the old adage says the “young men cannot even see while standing but the old men can see while seated” May you continue to grow in wisdom as you grow older

  6. At some point l did not understand it when my mum cried”maiwe! holding her back.😂,you can deduce that…we are going somewhere.May we reach that destination with Godly wisdom.Never lose the Lord elder.You are in the right track.

  7. Happy bday my elder. With age indeed comes wisdom that can only come with age. U have been a great inspiration to me n i am happy to have known u.

  8. Thank you for your message. I pray you are well. I don’t see any newer posts.
    Are you still writing? Gods speed.

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