I have reached that stage in life where I can’t apply mascara to life to create a facade.
That stage in life where the pursuit of my inner peace cannot be dampened by stereo type perceptions of what a certain cliché think of what they perceive to be my characteristics.
I have reached a stage in life where those throwing mud for the sake of throwing will not get my attention and I will not stop to ask why they are dirtying their hands.
My pursuit is happiness, peace and love.
I want to live life to the level where upon my expiry I can calmly waltz to the reception desk at Pearl Gate and give St Peter a high five before asking him to check my name in the roll call.
No mascara, no facade but peace, love and happiness. And the last time I checked that wasn’t a crime.
I like this,”ask them they are dirtying their hands”
I have reached that stage my sis and I will not tarry my inner peace to entertain the killjoys who thrive on dispensing vinegar in honey tumblers. Thanks for reading.
I like this; I think each one of us must come to that realisation at some point. Thanks ndoda.
I have reached that stage my sis and I will not tarry my inner peace to entertain the killjoys who thrive on dispensing vinegar in honey tumblers. Thanks for reading.