Good morning all. Thank you for keeping touch with the blog. Of late I have been pondering on the things people say and why and how they say them.

This is on the background of having been a recipient of very strong hurtful words which cut deep to the soul’s bone ( if the soul has a bone! !).

From that I learnt a few things.

1. It is true that none one can hurt you unless you give them the permission to do so.

2. It is true that bitterness is like drinking a cup of cyanide and expecting the other party to die.

3. It is true that at times words that hurt when spoken to us reflect the speaker’s hurting past or current condition.

4. It is true that seeking peace, that inner peace, even in the worst period of turmoil will leave you the better person.

From the above I learnt to choose to be the better person. It might hurt not to shout back or insult back or revenge the humiliation but you walk away with the honour of being the better person.

I choose, with great deliberation, to seek inner peace when all hell breaks loose. After all the Bible says:

The name of the Lord is a strong tower. Those who run unto it are safe. Proverbs 18:10.

Be blessed.

By Phindela's Muses

Phindela’s Muses is the pen name of Nqobile Ncube. After much prodding i reluctantly waded into transferring my thoughts to the electronic notebook. I write as I see. I write as I feel. I write as I hear. I prod the deepest vivid image I can conjure and if at least one person derives some good from it then I am a happy man.

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