In the life I have lived I have taken note that all is centered on power. The way we shall live and die is premised on the powers lording it over us. The way our tomorrow is going to be is centered on what power has the keys to our universe.

There is another dimension of power I have observed. The way a man of power handles himself. Whoever said the history of a nation cannot be written by the vanquished had a poignant point that we have failed to fully interrogate.

At many times we rail at the so called powerful men and fail to understand that at most times they themselves have fallen slave to the power entrusted upon them. Many of the powered ones have actually become slaves to the trust bestowed upon them.

We use terms like “power drunk” but we fail to accuse ourselves of sleeping on the wheel and letting our leaders drink themselves to a stupor from the cup of power. We only wake up at the sound of cups being plunked on tables to signify emptiness and we wonder what held us in eerie land when all this was happening .

I am convinced that at large we have lost the meaning of power. We see the ego trips driven by power take precedence over servant leadership. We see homes plundered by so called chefs on the premise that they have power. But do they have the power?

Stories of public utilities turned into private entities are awash in the media and all we talk about is abuse of power, but is it? Is it power that drives ego, fuels greed, pumps immorality , makes man blind to their moral obligations?

Is it power that makes men seek tots for sexual satisfaction? Would it be power for a man to sleep full and his entire village starve? Would it be power for a man, like Jesus says , to forsake his one hundred sheep in his hold only to go and grab the only sheep of his neighbor to roast for his visitors?

Me thinks we misconstrue power. The so called powerful men would not be deemed powerful if they had no one to be lords over. So they owe their elevated positions to the same people they lord over. It is the masses that have the power.

So, when the custodians of power get power drunk and plunder our granaries, take our food and declare themselves gods we have only ourselves to blame. Twin cabs, large offices, large pay packets, huge sexual appetites, sickening habits and all by products of power binges do not reflect power. They reflect authority gone wrong and slaves who have overtaken their masters.

So, who has the power?

By Phindela's Muses

Phindela’s Muses is the pen name of Nqobile Ncube. After much prodding i reluctantly waded into transferring my thoughts to the electronic notebook. I write as I see. I write as I feel. I write as I hear. I prod the deepest vivid image I can conjure and if at least one person derives some good from it then I am a happy man.

One thought on “Who has the power?”
  1. This blog could also be a representation of power…… The power of one individual’s ability to shape opinion and change the way people think about stuff…..

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