The Promise

“Do not be afraid of them,” the Lord said to Joshua, “for I have given you victory over them. Not a single one of them will be able to stand up to you.”
Joshua 10:8 NLT

Faced with a daunting task of going to rescue a Covenant ally, Israel had to seek assurance from God that He was on their side and that they would overcome.

God came through for them and the commitment of victory was made. Therein starts the story.

The promise had been made that they would be victors but the battle still had to be fought for the promise to come true.

So is life, victory cannot be without a battle. In as much life offers the summit as a prize, the mountain must be climbed !

The story continues,

Israel battles the Amorite allies (5 Kings) under the assurance from God and they slaughter the armies with the assistance of a violent hailstorm that killed more of the enemy than what Israel achieved with the sword.

The victory

On the day the Lord gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the Lord in front of all the people of Israel. He said, “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Aijalon.”
Joshua 10:12 NLT

The battle had to be completed. The enemy had to be routed and darkness was not to be an excuse.

Since God had given the guarantee of a complete rout it was therefore not God who was standing in the way of the 100% rout but the sun that was about to give the enemy allies the advantage of darkness to sleep away and possibly regroup.

The realisation.

It was not God to be called upon to ensure the 100% rout. He had already guaranteed it. It was the sun that was threatening the great victory and Joshua understood it very clear.

It was the impediment that had to shift not the Promise giver.

And he stopped the sun in its tracks, and the moon followed suit and there was a sonar and lunar combo never seen before and the enemy allies had nowhere to hide and they were completely routed !

Life has granted us a template to overcome all odds. But the overcoming is premised on battling on and never giving up on the will to make the difference.

When the sun wants to set on your battle, when it threatens to rain on your parade, do not swear at the promise giver, the promise still stands. STOP THE SUN !!





By Phindela's Muses

Phindela’s Muses is the pen name of Nqobile Ncube. After much prodding i reluctantly waded into transferring my thoughts to the electronic notebook. I write as I see. I write as I feel. I write as I hear. I prod the deepest vivid image I can conjure and if at least one person derives some good from it then I am a happy man.

29 thoughts on “Trust God … and stop the sun”
  1. Sweety story for sure.but have noticed that it’s not one or two mountains to climb.if u are done with the first/second one,another pops up.And it gonna be a thorny if not snowy one.which will then leaves one in a wondering state……as in am fighting the correct battle.
    Thanks for picking me out boss at least u gave me something to digest

  2. Amen.”victory cannot be without a battle”….thank God for giving me victory, encouraged, thank you Sir.

  3. Thx boss, life is a journey n 4 one to reach the desired destination u’ll have to overcome obstacles.

  4. Amen. Very powerful and eye opening indeed. We shld never question the promise keeper but stop the sun! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Woow! This is too powerful, thank you very much sir. Sometimes indeed the battles crush us, we feel like the promises can never be fulfilled because of the reality on the ground but in this blog, I am personally strengthened and reminded that though the vision/promise may tarry, it awaits the perfect time and it will definitely come to pass no matter what…. hard and painful as it could be at times but in this I have learnt “
    1)the promise was made already and it’s a commitment of victory!
    2)the battles have to be fought in order for the promise to be fulfilled so we should be strong enough to climb the mountain.
    3)whatever odds are in the way, the power is inside of us to “stop the sun”.
    4)the template has no limits and assures us sweet victory NO MATTER WHAT!
    Glorious and so uplifting, thank you so much for a word in season, we march on into victory!

  6. Amen Big Blaz. Let us all continue the good fight. No matter how long it takes. We will reach the promise land.

  7. “… do not swear at the promise giver” so true and many of us are found wanting on this one. I once went through a piece of literature titled, “When God doesn’t make sense”.. Well I must admit its a rather “morbid” tittle and I was a bit hesitant to go thrue it but I finally did and woooow a great piece it is and you have literally summarised it here… Great piece of work!!! Thank you.

  8. Amen, this is an amazing teaching, this will from today change my life.
    Thank you again

  9. Quite strengthening, God promised victory that is certain .we are not promised that it would be smooth sailing .we have to keep pressing till we get there.feeling encouraged

  10. Yaa, all power and authority would have been given. It’s us who are doubtful, lacking trust to claim God’s promises in our lives. Yaa ! Stop the sun indeed. Am challenged.

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