You will fully recognize them by their fruits. Do people pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?
Matthew 7:16 AMP

The old wizened man had travelled life’s journey.  As he sat on the carved stool and covered his walking stick with both hands he remembered :

He had always loved monologues.  The conversations with self had sharpened his perception and given him greater insight about himself. So he set out his first monologue.

It is the seed and not the water that determines the fruit.

It is not the water that determines what fruit a tree gives.

Neither is it the soil and compost that determines what fruit a tree gives.

It is the seed.

The seed as symbolised by the heart and mind.

The DNA of a fruit is in the  seed.

In as much as the environment around you might be toxic, acidic , hostile and barren, it is the unction in you that will turn you into an oasis in the desert.

Show me your seed and I will perceive your fruit.

You will fully recognize them by their fruits. Do people pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?
Matthew 7:16 AMP

The old man stood painfully and hobbled to his garden….

By Phindela's Muses

Phindela’s Muses is the pen name of Nqobile Ncube. After much prodding i reluctantly waded into transferring my thoughts to the electronic notebook. I write as I see. I write as I feel. I write as I hear. I prod the deepest vivid image I can conjure and if at least one person derives some good from it then I am a happy man.

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