Being saved at a young age brought wonderful dimensions. I was like the elephant calf in the big herd.

I quickly learnt to pray and read my bible. I spent hours poring over my mother’s tattered Xhosa bible. I had the zeal of the Saul that later became Paul. I read every book thrown at me Michael Cassidy, Kenneth Haggin, the El Shaddai magazine etc.

Every other moment beside school was spent with my cousin Nhlonipho either in church meetings or at prayer in the bush. Home curfews made it impossible to go where I wanted to be at all the times but I remember one afternoon when my furious mother asked Nhlonipho which was most important, Jesus or school, and Nhlonipho calmly answered that Christ was number one! Heaven could hear a pin drop but my mother had always had a soft spot for Nhlonipho so the day was carried.

It was not that easy go for me. I had to make sure that my grades did not drop at school as that would have got me grounded from my church related activities. My father thought we were now zealots and he always insisted that I still would have to go and place his bets at the tote and occasionally go and buy for him his calabash and he would cite the scripture of sons obeying the fathers and leave out the warning on fathers not to exasperate their sons!

Maturity brought leadership responsibilities, I was the youngest congregational youth fellowship treasurer and went on to assume synod youth leadership during my teens.

Along the way I got baptised in the Holy Spirit and got evidenced by speaking in tongues. I graduated from school and found work, got into a relationship and married. All was good in the Christian bliss. Then the wheels came off.

And my great test of my faith in Christ came. The honeymoon was over.

(To be continued)

By Phindela's Muses

Phindela’s Muses is the pen name of Nqobile Ncube. After much prodding i reluctantly waded into transferring my thoughts to the electronic notebook. I write as I see. I write as I feel. I write as I hear. I prod the deepest vivid image I can conjure and if at least one person derives some good from it then I am a happy man.

  1. Hi my love
    Very good bibliography. Didn’t know you were doing your bibliography on your blog. It’s good reading. Keep it up. Might as well do it into a bk, for you & your grand, grand chn.
    Stay blessed Loving wife
    Sent from my iPhone

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